imvuMail Capn's Collection
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Wind Power

eMail service powered by the wind!

imvuEmail is committed to not only
providing great service to our
customers, we are providing a great
service to our planet as well.


It's a beautiful place to live.
Private, personalized eMail for IMVU users.

Your eMail address as:
This website and eMail service is 130% Wind Powered!

Wind Power
Did you know that the average network server produces the same emissions as a 15 MPG SUV. And a lot of servers means a lot of carbon emissions.  But not ours.
imvuMail servers are 130% powered by wind. Not just a little bit or 100%, but 130% wind power. We are not just being neutral in our environmental impact, we are reversing it!
Green Energy
Our host purchased Renewable Energy Credits supporting electricity generation from wind farms representing 130% of the electricity used to both power and cool every last one of our servers!  These RECs have been registered, verified, and retired from the market.

More than great service for our customers,
a great service for our planet as well!

imvuMail is in no way affiliated with IMVU, Inc. nor does either service represent or endorse the other.
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